Bluff City Paws

Certified Dog Trainer And Behavior Specialist Using Science-Based, Modern, Force-Free Methods. Specializing In Dogs That Are Deaf.
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Behavior Modification
Therapy Dog Training

“Based on current scientific evidence, AVSAB recommends that only reward-based training methods are used for all dog training, including the treatment of behavior problems. Aversive training methods have a damaging effect on both animal welfare and the human-animal bond.” 

– American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior Humane Dog Training position statement. 

See the full statement here.

The goal of Bluff City Paws is to help keep deaf dogs out of shelters or returned to breeders by educating and supporting their humans.

Group or Individual Classes available for all dogs. As a non-profit, Bluff City Paws provides basic training to dogs that are deaf at no cost.

1. When people bring home their new deaf dogs, they often have no idea what to do or where to turn with questions and concerns.

2. Dogs are often returned to shelters or breeders for problems that could have been prevented in the first place or that could still be remedied.

3. Dog parents need better education, so they don’t put their dogs in jeopardy and contribute to behavior issues.

We promote positive methods of training and behavior modification because they are effective, build trust and, unlike harsher methods, cannot cause pain, aggression or fear in dogs. BCP encourages early socialization and training for puppies to reduce the chance of behavior issues